Impact du Contact Converter lors de l'utilisation de l'API SOAP

Afin de rendre votre compte Flexmail conforme au RGPD, vous devez passer à une base de données et cesser d'utiliser une combinaison de plusieurs listes. De ce fait, tous les contacts et imports sont enregistrés dans une seule et unique base de données. Ainsi, vous n'avez plus de doublons, vous pouvez plus facilement retrouver les informations concernant les divers contacts et vous pouvez utiliser des segments dynamiques pour mieux distinguer différents groupes cibles.

À l'aide du Contact Converter, vous pouvez convertir votre compte pour utiliser une seule base de données. Cela a également un impact lorsque vous utilisez l'API SOAP Flexmail. Ces modifications sont très simples. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un aperçu des conseils d'optimisation.

Service Change Tips
GetMailingList Will always return exactly 1 item with list as it’s mailingListType: your database. All other items in the response will be segments.  Store the database ID so that you never have to request it again (it will never change again)
CreateMailingList DEPRECATED
  • errorCode: 210
  • errorMessage: Service not allowed on single list accounts
Structure your contacts with segments instead of with multiple mailing lists. These segments can be created with the CreateSegment service. 
DeleteMailingList DEPRECATED
  • errorCode: 210
  • errorMessage: Service not allowed on single list accounts
Segments can be deleted with the DeleteSegment service. Deleting a segment does not delete the contacts that are part of it.
TruncateMailingList The mailingListId parameter is no longer mandatory (will default to your database ID) Segments can not be truncated. Be careful here: know that you’re deleting all contacts in the database. 
CreateCategory DEPRECATED
  • errorCode: 210
  • errorMessage: Service not allowed on single list accounts
Categories no longer can be set up under the “Contacts” tab. Depending on the reason why you would need them, using segments/preferences or a dedicated account for specific communication could be a better fit.
CreateEmailAddress The mailingListId parameter is no longer mandatory (will default to your database ID) No longer use the mailingListId parameter or use a cached value of the database ID.
Prevent making useless calls for GetMailingList as this will have an impact on your monthly limit of available API calls.
ImportEmailAddresses The mailingListId parameter is no longer mandatory (will default to your database ID) No longer use the mailingListId parameter or use a cached value. Prevent making useless calls for GetMailingList as this will have an impact on your monthly limit of available API calls.
EmailAddressTypeItems The language parameter is now mandatory While using the service ImportEmailAddresses you can instead provide the parameter defaultLanguage with the call. Supported language can be found here, but are limited to the contact languages you have configured in your account.
GetEmailAddresses If one of the provided mailingListIds is the database ID, all the other ID’s will be ignored  
GetBounces If a mailingListId is provided, the database ID will be used, even if the provided ID is different Use a cached value for the database ID for the mailingListId parameter. 
Prevent making useless calls for GetMailingList as this will have an impact on your monthly limit of available API calls.
GetSubscriptions If a mailingListId is provided, the database ID will be used, even if the provided ID is different Use a cached value for the database ID for the mailingListId parameter. 
Prevent making useless calls for GetMailingList as this will have an impact on your monthly limit of available api calls.
GetUnsubscriptions If a mailingListId is provided, the database ID will be used, even if the provided ID is different Use a cached value for the database ID for the mailingListId parameter. 
Prevent making useless calls for GetMailingList as this will have an impact on your monthly limit of available api calls.
GetProfileUpdates If a mailingListId is provided, the database ID will be used, even if the provided ID is different Use a cached value for the database ID for the mailingListId parameter. 
Prevent making useless calls for GetMailingList as this will have an impact on your monthly limit of available api calls.

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